Requesting an Excuse from Jury Duty

The questionnaire MUST be filled out in its entirety. You must include, or submit separately, a letter from your doctor or any other pertinent information if you are requesting to be excused or postponed from service.

The following excuses are accepted by the court by request and proper documentation.

  1. Any person over the age of 70 years old who makes a showing of physical infirmity, travel difficulties, undue hardship, or extreme inconvenience. You MUST complete the online juror questionnaire and request to be excused.
  2. Persons having full time care and custody of their child or children, under the age of ten years old whose health and/or safety would be jeopardized by their absence for jury service. You MUST provide the age of your children when prompted.
  3. Persons who are essential to the full time care of aged or infirmed persons in their custody. You MUST provide a specific physicians letter stating that you are the full time care giver of a person in a custody.
  4. Any person who has served FIVE (5) or more days of STATE court jury service in the past three years. You MUST provide a copy of your certificate of STATE court jury service.
  5. Any person having served FEDERAL court jury service in the past three years. You MUST provide a copy of your Certificate of Jury Service, a copy of your FEDERAL jury summons or indicate the date(s) served.
  6. Volunteer safety personnel who serve without compensation as firefighters or members of a rescue squad or ambulance crew for a public agency. You MUST provide proof of your volunteer status.

If you are requesting to be excused or postponed due to extreme hardship that is not listed on the questionnaire, you may send an e-mail to the jury department explaining the hardship. All hardships are reviewed by the court on a case by case basis. If requesting to be excused or postponed due to a medical condition, you must submit a letter on letterhead from your doctor. You or the physician may email the document(s) , fax the documents, or send by mail to the address located on the front of the summons.

Divisional Office Email Phone Fax
Boston 617-748-9082 617-204-5810
Springfield 413-785-6833 413-781-9471
Worcester 508-929-9900 press 5 to speak with a Jury Clerk 508-929-9908

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