

This page contains information regarding federal jury service at U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts.

Jury service is one of the important civic duties you can perform. The protection of rights and liberties in federal courts largely is achieved through the teamwork of a judge and jury. We hope you find this process to be an interesting and satisfying experience.

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Jury Information Line

The automated jury information line for the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts is 1-800-882-1249. Please refer to your nine digit participant number located above your name and address on your Summons for Jury Service.

Please note that if you appear for jury service without calling the toll free jury phone line and your panel was not required to report for service, you will not be paid an attendance fee and you will still have to appear for jury service as required at a later date.

Juror Information at the U.S. District Court
Divisional Office Email Phone Fax
Boston ejury@mad.uscourts.gov 617-748-9082 617-204-5810
Springfield ejurysfd@mad.uscourts.gov 413-785-6805 413-781-9471
Worcester ejurywor@mad.uscourts.gov 508-929-9900 press 5 to speak to a Jury Clerk 508-929-9908

Important Security Information

Please note that the U.S. Marshals will require that you show a valid form of photo identification, in order to enter the building. Cell phones must be checked in at the security desk located in the front lobby of the Courthouse. All other electronic equipment and devices are NOT allowed in the Federal Courthouse.

Job Protection

You are protected by Federal Statute, Title 28 U.S.C. Section 1875, from being discharged, intimidated or coerced by your permanent employer because of your Federal Court jury service. Further information is available from the jury office


You are compensated at a rate of $50.00 per day and 67 cents per mile for travel expenses. You will be required to pay transportation and parking expenses out of pocket. The Court reimburses you for parking fees (with a receipt) and any toll charges incurred. Please take note of the name and address of the parking lot. All reimbursements are made by check and mailed to your address within seven days following your juror service. You will not be compensated for taxi fare. Please Note: If you appear for jury service without calling the jury information line (1-800-882-1249), you will not be authorized to collect any jury fees.

Plan for the Random Selection of Jurors

Pursuant to the Jury Selection and Service Act of 1968, as amended, 28 U.S.C. §1863, the Court adopts the following Plan for the Random Selection of Jurors (the "Plan"). This Court utilizes the one-step summoning and qualification procedure, as authorized by 28 U.S.C. §1878. Accordingly, jurors shall be qualified and summoned in a single procedure.

View the Plan for the Random Selection of Jurors