Part 2 Instructions Concerning Certain Matters of Evidence

2.01 Stipulations

2.02 Judicial Notice

2.03 Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statement

2.04 Impeachment of Witness Testimony by Prior Conviction

2.05 Impeachment of Defendant's Testimony by Prior Conviction

2.06 Evidence of Defendant's Prior Similar Acts

2.07 Weighing the Testimony of an Expert Witness

2.08 Caution as to Certain Testimony

2.09 Use of Tapes and Transcripts

2.10 Flight After Accusation/Consciousness of Guilt

2.11 Statements by Defendant

2.12 Missing Witness

2.13 Witness (Not the Defendant) Who Takes the Fifth Amendment

2.14 Definition of Knowingly

2.15 Willful Blindness As a Way of Satisfying Knowingly

2.16 Taking A View

2.17 Character Evidence